PLASMAGE medical device from Brera Italy

Revolutionizing Skin Resurfacing: The PLASMAGE Medical Device from Brera Italy

In the world of aesthetic medicine, advancements are constantly being made to offer patients effective, minimally invasive treatments with little to no downtime. One such innovation that has been gaining attention is the PLASMAGE medical device, developed by the Italian company Brera Medical Technologies. This revolutionary device with over 700,000 successful procedures in Europe, is now FDA approved, here in the United States. Hardly a day goes by where we at Joliet Aesthetics Medical Spa, don’t “WOW” a patient with its performance.


PLASMAGE is an advanced medical device that utilizes plasma technology for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. Plasma is often referred to as the fourth state of matter, and in the context of this device, it is used to deliver controlled micro-traumas to the skin’s surface, stimulating the natural healing process and promoting the regeneration of new, healthier skin cells.

How Does PLASMAGE Work?

The PLASMAGE device works by creating a tiny plasma arc that is directed onto the skin. This arc vaporizes the superficial layers of the skin, removing damaged or aged skin cells and triggering the body’s natural healing response. The treatment is highly precise, safe and effective, allowing for targeted treatment of specific areas without affecting the surrounding skin.
Ideal for the treatment of eye bags, hooded eyelids, crows feet all leading towards
a more youthful appearance, that patients love.

Benefits of PLASMAGE

  • Non-surgical
    • PLASMAGE offers a non-surgical alternative to traditional skin resurfacing techniques, such as chemical peels or laser treatments.
  • Minimal downtime
    • Unlike more invasive procedures, PLASMAGE typically requires minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their normal activities soon after treatment.
  • Versatility
    •  PLASMAGE can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone.
  • Safety
    • The PLASMAGE device is designed with safety in mind, with built-in features to ensure that the treatment is administered accurately and effectively.

Clinical Evidence

Clinical studies have shown that PLASMAGE can be an effective treatment for a range of skin concerns, with results lasting for an extended period. Patients have reported improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance. Many patients are also experiencing a noticeable reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.


The PLASMAGE medical device from Brera Italy represents a significant advancement in skin resurfacing technology. Its ability to deliver precise, targeted treatment with minimal downtime makes it a popular choice among patients looking to rejuvenate their skin without undergoing surgery. As with any medical procedure, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine if PLASMAGE is right for you.



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