PLASMAGE: For A More Youthful Looking You!

A Painless, Safe, and Effective Alternative to Blepharoplasty for Eyelid Surgery

When you look in a mirror, what do see? Bags around your eyes? Wrinkles, crows feet? Do your eyelids look heavy, weighted down? Have you been asked if  you “are tired” or, “working too much”? Have the online remedies you have read about, tried for yourself been ineffective? Botox, fillers, skincare products..

Are you looking for a non-surgical alternative for a more youthful appearance?
A procedure to reduce your “hooded” eyelids and or reduction of those unsightly eye bags? PLASMAGE could be the solution you’ve been searching for.

At Joliet Aesthetics Medical Spa, we are proud to offer this innovative procedure, which has been proven to be safe, effective, and virtually painless.
Here’s why PLASMAGE may be the right choice for you:

1. Minimal Downtime

Unlike traditional blepharoplasty, which requires weeks of recovery time, PLASMAGE offers minimal downtime. Most patients can resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

2. Painless Procedure

PLASMAGE is a painless procedure that is performed using topical anesthesia. Most patients report feeling only a slight tingling sensation during the treatment, with minimal discomfort afterward.

3. Safe and Effective

PLASMAGE has been used in thousands of procedures worldwide, with proven safety and efficacy. The procedure creates tiny micro-traumas on the skin’s surface. This results in stimulating the skin’s natural healing process, leading to a reduction in excess skin and a smoother, more youthful appearance.

4. Experienced Medical Team

At Joliet Aesthetics Medical Spa, our experienced medical team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care. Our team has undergone extensive training in PLASMAGE procedures and has the expertise to ensure that you achieve the best possible results. Dr. Bichler here at Joliet Aesthetics, not only performs the procedure but has had it done on himself with remarkable results!

5. Limited Availability

Joliet Aesthetics Medical Spa is one of only a few facilities in the state of Arizona that offers PLASMAGE. We are proud to provide this innovative procedure to our patients, offering them a safe and effective alternative to traditional blepharoplasty.


If you have been considering options to improve the appearance around your eyes, whether it be hooding, eye bag reduction and or eliminating your crows feet, PLASMAGE may be the ideal solution for you. With minimal downtime, virtually painless treatment and proven effectiveness, PLASMAGE offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional blepharoplasty.

Contact Joliet Aesthetics Medical Spa today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how PLASMAGE can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know our team.

02. Help us understand you and your goals. 

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

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